the BOCATrack advantage
The BOCATrack software application is a patent-pending tool designed for building owners and managers to self-report elevator/escalator call-back data and tracks preventive maintenance hours.
BOCATrack has two main features: a data entry form, and a dashboard.
The data entry form allows the client's employee or agent to collect data based on a few, simple, and easy-to-use questions.
The dashboard aggregates the information and quickly displays key statistics relative to the client's maintenance contract.
In elevator/escalator contracts there are three common metrics that a maintenance contract is required to uphold:
Preventative Maintenance: This portion of the contract defines the minimum service hours. If the contractor is not meeting this standard. There is often a financial penalty associated with it.
Shutdowns & Emergency Callbacks: These sections have financial penalties related to both the frequency of these events, as well as the response time from the service call.
The BOCATrack Advantage
The BOCATrack application will aggregate and sort this information. This will allow BOCA Group to quickly review the data to determine if the client is entitled to any financial restitution as a result of the failure of the contractor to meet the predetermined qualifications.
In addition, the types of callbacks and the affected components will be tracked and summarized in various charts and graphs. Thus, allowing BOCA Group to review problematic trends, and ultimately guide the maintenance provider to the correct course of action.